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Trustees July 08
Bolton Public Library
Board of Trustees
Meeting, July 7, 2008.
Town Hall

6:00 p.m.
Present: Bob Zak, Chris Sterling, Roland Ochsenbein
Also Present: Kelly Collins

Agenda Items:
The minutes of the June 2nd, 2008 meeting were approved.

Director’s Report:
Kelly met with CMRLS on June 2nd about the summer reading program. The on-line program is up and running and a link to the program has been placed on the library’s web site.
Kelly also went to a librarians’ breakfast at Fruitlands to discuss community outreach with the libraries and Fruitlands.
Circulation for FY 08 was 52,114, FY07 was 52,158. The Bolton library has 2,846 registered patrons, and 28,468 items in its collections.

Kelly passed out an updated schedule. She will color code items – red – discard, yellow – place in storage, and green – move to temporary quarters. She will make a salvage list. The contract with National Library Relocators has been signed. Items for storage will be placed in PODs to be stored off site. Kelly will ask Skinners if they will pack and store the antiques.

Network Services to Towns with Decertified Libraries:
Kelly announced that the Boylston library may be decertified. The trustees decided to create a policy to address decertified libraries. A motion was made by Bob, seconded by Roland that the Bolton Public Library will only extend borrowing privileges to libraries certified by the MBLC. The motion passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Roland, seconded by Chris that we appoint Panny Gerken to replace Brent Gates on the LCC. The project will be out to bid before the September 1st deadline, but we will not be able to sign a contract until October. Bob will contact Anne Larson, and may need to appear before the MBLC.

The next Trustees’ meeting will be on Monday, Aug 11 at 6:00 at Town Hall.

Respectfully submitted, the Trustees

Robert Zak                                  Roland Ochsenbein                     Christine Sterling